Have you ever wondered leaving home and seeing a bucket you knew was definitely empty filled with water? It’s so shocking right? But the thing is that it’s practically impossible. Now take a quick sip and enjoy. The fact that you are reading this shows you are interested in improving yourself.

A lot of people these days are in that situation, they sometimes think its actually possible for the bucket to be filled with water without some force causing it. These days we leave our brain the same way it was the previous year, we do not care whether it needs development or improvement, and we just live our lives like that entangled with our daily activities.

Now, have you asked yourself this question? How much did you invest in yourself last year? How many books did you read? What new skill did you learn? What knowledge did you seek after?

 No wonder John maxwell said ‘’ the greatest loss of all times is not necessarily death but it is what dies in us while we still live” So many people have given up on their dream. They tend to blame the environment or the circumstances. How hard did you try? Did you give it your best?  The answer to the last question is NO. You did not do your best. You haven’t reached the best version of yourself and you have never been.

I know you might have not given what you wanted your best shot, but as much as you want to reach your goals, you must know the importance of investing in yourself as a step to achieving your set goals. Here are the importance of investing in yourself as a higher step to achieving your set goals

           1. BEST POSITION:  Have you ever  wondered what happened to athletes when they run out of position? They fail. You want to be the best version of yourself to achieve your goals; hence you must learn to invest in yourself. Investing in yourself puts you in the best position to succeed; it sets you right on track. I don’t care where you get your information from, you may read, you may get it from podcast or videos, it doesn’t matter but just as long as you keep feeding your mind and investing in yourself every day.

             2. GROWTH : Investing in yourself will make you grow. If you can commit to a particular thing and make sure you learn new things every day. Do not make your mind a stagnant place. Make sure you are growing every single day. Most successful people don’t view success as an event, instead they view it as a day- to- day activity in which they get to learn and grow each day to reach their potential Investing in yourself will always make you grow day by day.

             3.  BETTER ADAPTED TO CHANGE:  when there is need for change, you will always be better adapted to change because you are always investing in yourself you are growing and learning perhaps you are a medical doctor in the field of cardiology, investing in yourself about the field will make you better adapted to change as you will be current on the latest information. So you see, the importance on investing in yourself can’t be overemphasized.

      Now, having read all that, I want you to do me a favor I want you to commit to reading, learning new things this New Year. Invest in yourself and I wish to see you be the best version of yourself. Thank you. You can drop your comments.