7 Amazing ways you don’t know on how you can handle stress at the University: Number 4 will shock you.

“Why do you look like this, Emmanuel? I mean why does your face look like this? You don’t seem to be having enough sleep. Don’t tell me you have been going for Night classes without taking some break for yourself.” a friend asked me after a lecture.

You looked so lean. Wow, what happened to you? Don’t you take enough food, don’t you have enough sleep? Another friend also asked.

I began to ponder on the questions I had been asked and thought to check myself. Looking through my selfie camera, was a pale and dull face with two layers of eye bags, and eyes looking like someone that have suffered a lot in life, lol.

All those happened when I was in Medical school, when I newly entered the system. I would stress so much about academic work without having to look for myself. I later took some thought on how I could change and get better.

I sought for information on how I could learn to take on my academic work without having endangered my health and well being.

You might be wondering,
  • ·        Why do you experience stress at the university
  •   How can you handle and deal with stress in the university
  •   What do you need to know about the university life?

These are very amazing questions to which this article I’m giving you is about to answer. Just stay tuned and enjoy reading.

Why do you Experience stress at the university?
The University can be a very funny way of stressing someone’s life out. If time is not taken, your health can be seriously endangered.

I could remember staying off campus at my first year. My place of residence was so far from the school and that trekking my lecture halls seemed like working out.

After classes each day, while others were going to hostels which were close by, I would be engaging on my workout training session. There are just some situations we can’t help. I had to continue like that. I was so stressed.

Have I talked about the lectures stress? Oh, you don’t know. Lectures were tough. In my School, we were always over populated. A lecture meant to hold by 2pm for instance will be full with students by 1pm.

 And the struggle for seat? It was something else. Lack of orderliness caused us to struggle so much as all of us would like to get in immediately. If you don’t take time, your fancy Rolex watch will just scatter and fall off your hands.lol.

The deal was that, it was the system, you can’t just help it. It became a norm in our school to always struggle for lectures.  Although conditions differ in different universities but there’s always a similarity in the stress amongst Nigerian Schools.

What about the change of locations? If you don’t know, know it now. You often become a wanderer, lol. Having four lectures at different locations is enough to frustrate your day. The locations I’m talking about doesn’t mean the small distance you take across your house to your neighbors’, I am talking about far distance in the university setting.

If you didn’t know how to trek, Sorry is the case. It is inevitable. I often tell myself I don’t need workout cause, the natural system of trekking to school every day is already doing the job.

To conclude, University will stress your life out. But it’s your choice, you can choose to follow some certain things that will help you live better and healthier and that is what I will give you in this article. It’s your choice to get stressed by the university or follow the tips and become ever happy and better.

How can you handle and deal with stress at the university
Please I would like to inform you earlier, that this would be long, but you will have to read them.

I am going to group the ways you can handle stress into differ3ent groups for better comprehension. If you’re reading this, then you’re lucky, because this took me years to know!
Okay, the very first area is your diet. You know why? Because your body is the main thing, you will need to eat healthy and follow this tip;

Ø Eat Breakfast: Most students these days tend to neglect their breakfast due to an early morning lecture and in the so cause regret it later on. You should start your day off right with a good meal. Your breakfast is very important, unless you’re fasting, lol. Whether you are rolling out of bed at 12 or crack of dawn, make sure to start your day with a healthy meal.

Ø Vary your meals: cooking beans which would last 3 days was what I did one time. Lol, can you believe what happened? I ate that beans for 7 good times in three days. Lol. But it wasn’t good. Changing up your diet from day to day is a very important part of good nutrition. Don’t be like me. Hence, take advantages of the varieties of selections available to you in the canteen your when you cook.

Ø Drink Clean water: “I have been drinking it and nothing has happened to me”, my lodge mate said. There was some kind of water we got which was cheaper but very not ideal to drink. I joined him too, but later started seeing effects, you might not know. Drink enough clean water that can boost your concentration as well as keep you from overheating.

Ø Try to eat fruits and vegetables: You heard what I said? Try.lol. It’s not every time you buy those buns and snacks. Try sometimes to buy fruits and vegetables and also try to incorporate at least a few of them into your diet each day.

Ø Take Vitamins: If you feel you are not getting enough nutrients and vitamins, try taking some vitamins. There are varieties of nice multi vitamins that you can take. You could go to a pharmacist and just take some vitamin c tablets or just any one.

Ø Indulge in your favorite food once in a while: if it’s that special jollof rice with some fried chicken that’s your favorite, try cooking them once in a while and enjoy yourself. You can’t cook? Not a problem, I can’t even cook that to my taste too, lol. There are various canteens in your school, you could go there and eat, or maybe bring a friend to share good moments.

Ø Limit the amount of Junk food you take in: if it’s not gala, then it’ll be pepper buns or sharwarma and a drink, the usual norms most of students these days take. It’s easily available of you have money and you don’t have to stress cooking right? But no, it is not good. I know sometimes, you can be late for class, and you will need to put something in that belly, but yet, don’t too much rely on junk and fast foods.

Ø Drink responsibly: if you are the type that drinks, drink with sense. It’s not because of a girl you should start taking different rounds. It is not good. Drink in moderation and have a good time without hurting your good health.

2. Exercise
Exercise cannot be neglected. You cannot just keep accumulating weight without doing anything; you will need to work out. Well, if you were like me, trekking very far distances, and you think you don’t need exercise? Bad news, you need them too, lol.
Ø Play a sport: playing a sport could be a very good means of exercise. You could join a sport team. Anything at all, maybe basketball, volleyball, or football. My challenge back then was that I wasn’t too good at football in my class football team medventus but I played anyway, exercise matters.

Ø Trek to Class: Okay, you have car, we know. But that doesn’t mean you should ride them every time to classes. Sometimes, you need to trek to school. Walking And trekking gives you a chance to stretch your hands and legs, burn some calories and relax. Well if you are slim like me, if you have car, use it to avoid trekking to school, what are you trying to lose, your life?

Ø Visit the gym some times: Visiting the gym can be a very great way of relaxing and having an edge over that anxiety. Most schools have gym facilities where you can go to and work out. Although some are not free, as some charge a fee, it doesn’t matter, it will be worth it. Apart from working out, there are also amazing views you can have there, that helps relax human being mind. Lol.

Ø Cycle to school: instead of taking some taxi, shuttle or car, you can actually cycle your bicycle to school. It’s a form of exercise which is very beneficial to the health.

3. Sleep
University students and going to bed early are like white and black; opposites. Sometimes you form the habit of always staying awake throughout the night reading or gisting. But you don’t know that sleep is integral part of staying healthy. Check these tips and help your life;
Ø Take some nap: you don’t have to stress through all your day. Even though its 1 hour nap, it can change a lot. It helps you relax and calm down after stress from lectures. Just make sure you don’t nap to close to bedtime or too long, just nap oh, it’s not some sleeping competition. Lol.

Ø Get a full night sleep whenever it is possible: Okay, you need to read, because exams are coming, we have heard you. But what were you doing all through the semester? You don’t need to stress yourself too much. Not having a good night sleep makes you unhealthy. Stick to your schedule and don’t over work.

Ø Just know the fact that not lack of sleep can impact you big time: lack of sleep doesn’t just make your day half useless, it b also reduces the ability to concentrate and to perform well in class. Oh, you would need to have seen my face back then. I had two layers of eye bags, and face looking like someone that is unfortunate. Reduce how you neglect your sleep and help yourself.

Ø Follow a set plan: If you have a schedule of things to do, that will be very nice. It helps moderate you and not make you over do. Sometimes you might feel you can over play and gist when semester is in section and when its exam, finish a whole course under 4 hours. Yeah, you can do it, right? Cause you are Einstein? Lol. You need to set plans that will moderate you and follow them.

Ø Tell your roommates your bedtime and follow it: Okay, sometimes you can have this kind of roommate who is so interesting and always have gist for you. That’s what you’ll normally like, your specialty; gist and amebo, but you should seek to work out a bedtime with your roommate and make them understand that you need to sleep early. Try cutting out some interesting gist and get to bed.

Ø Avoid All nighters and night classes: You might be feeling like you are doping yourself some favor by going to night classes and read all through, but if you could time travel, I would have loved you to visit me back then in my first year and ask how far. I then would have told you better, lol.

4. Stress
Oh, when you are stressed, you can feel so bad, but these tips can help you as well.
Ø Set limit on work: yes, you need to read, but your health and body is important. You should not over work at the expense of your health. Limit the times when you need to work to get rest, a good sleep and help your life. Too much work can stress you and make you feel bad with yourself.

Ø Understand that you are not the only one and cannot do everything: You might just be thinking, you have a lot to do, you have biology, chemistry, physics. Where’s the time to read all these? I need to read. I’m not going to be happy unless I read everything. But you’re not too right; you need to understand that you cannot always do everything. Take your time to do one at a time and don’t stress your life, please.

Ø Seek Help: sometimes, you might be feeling overwhelmed, and so anxious about so many things you need to read. I know that feeling, I have been there before. I want you to understand that it’s nice to get help sometimes. Don’t keep all in. Reach out to your family, friends, professors. They might be able to help you study more and help reduce stress.

Ø Cut back sometimes if needed: Sometimes, school can be very overwhelming. There’s always a lot to do. But don’t let that get to your head and kill your joy. Sometimes, you need to cut back on lectures, take a picnic, take your girlfriend on an outing or just have someone to relax with. If you are among the Singles Association of Nigeria, then there are other ways to chill off. Lol.

Ø Relax with hobbies: What are that thing that catches your interests? Is it blogging, swimming, reading a novel or a sport? Finding something that you like can be very beneficial as it helps you to relax and cut out much stress.

Ø Spend more time with your friends: your friends are to be there for you through you ups and downs. Don’t shrink and keep it to yourself when your depressed. You can tell them and maybe you might have a remedy.

There are times we break down in the university due to bad habits. I have just given you some amazing ways you stay healthy and handle stress during school.
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